CO-OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT Introduction Management has greatly improved as co-operatives have become larger, more diversified, and integrated to match similar advances in the marketplace. In the early years, local co-operative managers not only supervised operations but also maintained accounting records, waited… Read More
CO-OPERATIVE ORGANIZATION Introduction Co-operative is an organization owned by and operated for the benefit of those using its services. Co-operatives have been successful in such fields as the processing and marketing of farm products and the purchasing of other kinds… Read More
Instruments of monetary policy
Instruments of monetary policy In the past, it was common for central banks to exercise direct controls on bank operations by setting limits either to the quantity of deposits and credits (e.g., ceilings on the growth of bank deposits and… Read More
Monetary policy
Monetary policy Monetary policy relates to the control of some measure (or measures) of the money supply and/or the level and structure of interest rates. In recent years, much greater emphasis has been placed on monetary policy within a government’s… Read More
CENTRAL BANKING Introduction The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), like most other central banks around the world, is entrusted with the responsibility of formulating and implementing monetary policy directed to achieving and maintaining low inflation as one of its two… Read More