Maximum marks for each question are indicated in brackets ( ). This paper consists of TWO sections: A and B. Answer questions as per instructions in each section.

You are provided with a separate answer booklet. This paper consists of 3 printed pages

Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing


(Answer all the questions in this section)

1. Define the following terms as used in computer systems. (4 Marks)
i) Adapter card
ii) Bays

2. Explain the purpose of a power supply hardware component in a computer. (2 Marks)

3. Differentiate between CPU overclocking and throttling (4 Marks)

4. State the purpose of the following in a computer system. (2 Marks)
ii) BIOS setup

5. Computer components perform better when kept cool. If the heat is not removed, the computer may run slower or components can be damaged. Explain three ways in which heat is regulated within a computer system. (6 Marks)

6. List any four motherboard form factor. (4 Marks)

7. State the function of the following in a computer system. (3 Marks)
i) Operating system
ii) RAM
iii) Device driver

8. List any four types of drive interface technologies. (4 Marks)

9. State any four reasons why it’s important to update computer systems regularly. (4 Marks)

10. Outline any three possible causes of Overheating of the computer Microprocessor. (3 Marks)

11. List any four diagnostic tools in computer. (4 Marks)


(Answer any three questions in this section)

12. a) Define monitor resolution (2 Marks)

b) Explain briefly any three factors involved in monitor resolution (6 Marks)

c) List four technologies that are used in creating images in monitors and projectors. (4 Marks)

d) Monitors have controls for adjusting the quality of the image. Explain four common monitor settings. (8 Marks)

13. a) Explain three power protection devices used to protect data and computer equipment. (6 Marks)

b) Discuss at least four types of AC power fluctuations that can cause data loss or hardware failure. (8 Marks)

c) Outline any six benefits of preventive maintenance. (6 Marks)

14. a) Discuss the troubleshooting process (12 Marks)

b) Explain any four disk management tools. (8 Marks)

15. a) Explain the purpose of the following commands in relation to operating system files. (10 Marks)
i) Msconfig
ii) Regedit
iii) Msinfo32
iv) Dxdiag
v) Cmd

b) Discuss any five measures you would undertake to keep computer systems secure. (10 Marks)

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