i. You have 3 hours to answer all the questions.

ii. Marks for each question are indicated in brackets

iii. This paper consists of three sections: A, B and C. Attempt questions in each section as per instructions given in each question

iv. You are provided with a separate answer booklet

v. Do not write on the question paper.

vi. Answer all questions in English.

This paper consists of seven printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicted and that no questions are missing


Answer all questions in this section

Each question carries one (1) mark.

1. Why would an organization upgrade its computer system.

A. When it is used sparingly
B. To prevent latest security vulnerabilities
C. To supports the curricular goals
D. Limiting employees from achieving their goals

2. What is the name given to the physical parts of a computer.

A. Hardware
B. Hard Drive
C. Disk Drive
D. Software

3. Which of the following system reflects maximum ICT integration.

A. Electronic library
B. Digital library
C. Automated library
D. Hybrid library

4. ……………is the other name for computer programs.

A. Software
C. Input Devices
D. Hardware

5. In computer terminology, processed data is called———–

A. information
B. variables
C. communication
D. report

6. The following are on -the -job training methods except

A. Apprenticeship
B. Delegation
C. Secondments
D. Lectures

7. Which of the following is not a procurement method used in acquiring ICT equipment.

A. Tendering
B. Ordering
C. Request for quotation
D. Direct procurement

8. Which one of the following is not a social media platform

A. Gmail
B. YouTube
C. Facebook
D. Instagram

9. ………….. is the part of a computer that allows a user to put information into the computer.

A. Output Device
B. Software
C. Operating System
D. Input Device

10. What does WAN stand for in information communication technology

A. Wide area network
B. Wide access network
C. Wide arithmetic network
D. Wide access network

11. …………………is a group of independent computers attached to one another through communication media

A. Internet
B. E-mail
C. Network
D. All of the above

12. Which one of the following is an output device of a computer.

A. Monitor
B. Scanner
C. Mouse
D. Keyboard

13. The right to use a piece of software in operating a computer is termed as…………

A. Copyright
B. Patent
C. License
D. Installation

14. The memory which is used in the computer as temporary memory is——

A. read only memory (ROM)
B. Random access memory (RAM)
C. local area networking (LAN)
D. all of above

15. The network which is used in an office to connect computers in a small geographical area is known as?

A. read only memory (ROM)
B. Random access memory (RAM)
C. local area networking (LAN)
D. wide area network (WAN)

16. What is the main storage medium within the system unit of the computer?


17. Which of these is not a factor of the IT Security Policy.

A. Prevention of Misuse
B. Disciplinary procedures
C. Installation of software
D. Staff responsibilities

18. Which is the first phase of an ICT project management cycle.

A. Initiation
B. Planning
C. Execution
D. Closure

19. Which one of the following is a consequence of failure to update your computer.

A. Exposes the computer to security threats
B. Makes your computer safe
C. Ensure safety of private data
D. Allows one to share information

20. Which of the following is not one of the current major social trends in ecommerce?

A. concerns about online privacy decline
B. controversy over content regulation and controls
C. e-books gaining wide acceptance
D. internet security continues to decline



Marks for each part of each question is indicated in the brackets ()

21. Explain four ways on how an organization will dispose of its obsolete ICT equipment (4 marks)

22. Outline four functions of ICT in an enterprise (4 marks)

23. List four ways of evaluating an information system vendor (4marks)

24. Mention five factors that affect the choice of a software (5 marks)

25. State four functions of a router in networking (4 marks)

26. Explain four functions of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in ICT. (4 marks)

27. There are many different computer network problems that can affect the performance of the network. Identify four causes of such problems. (4 marks)

28. Name three threats to computers (3 marks)

29. List any FOUR types of hardware components. (4 marks)

30. State four factors to consider when carrying out training needs assessment for ICT personnel (4 marks)



Answer two questions ONLY

Marks for each part of each question is indicated in the brackets ()

31. a). Specification is a document used in communicating the requirement of a buyer to a supplier when buying ICT equipment. Outline eight types of information contained in that document. (8 marks)

b. Most organizations are investing in computer networking. Discuss using relevant examples six industries and business organizations that are currently using computer networking. (12 marks)

32. a. Explain five benefits of conducting ICT needs assessment in an organization. (10 marks)

b). Explain five reasons why it is important for an organization to have ICT policy in place. (10 marks)

33. a) Online services for the business provide a number of advantages. Discuss five such advantages. (10 marks)

b. Explain five reasons that may make a manager in an organization reluctant to adopt a new technology in the operations of the organization. (10 marks)

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