Maximum marks for each question are indicated in brackets ( ). This paper consists of TWO sections: A and B. Answer questions as per instructions in each section.

You are provided with a separate answer booklet. This paper consists of THREE (3) printed pages
Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing


Attempt all questions in this section.

1. State FOUR reasons why the government put in place laws governing protection of ICT (4 marks)

2. Name FOUR examples of word processors (4 marks)

3. Outline FIVE major types of computer threats (5 marks)

4. List FOUR devices that correspond to the following; computer input, Storage and output (4 marks)

5. State FIVE uses of the internet (4 marks)

6. List FOUR services that are offered by internet (4 marks)

7. State FOUR components of a computer network (4 marks)

8. Highlight FOUR emerging trends in computer technology (4 marks)

9. List FOUR formulas that are used in spreadsheets (4 marks)

10. Identify THREE types of computer software (3 marks)



Attempt any THREE questions in this section.

11. a. Explain FIVE methods one can a computer from computer viruses (10 marks)

b. Describe FIVE types of cyber security threats (10 marks)

12. a. Explain FOUR word processing utilities in Microsoft word (8 marks)

b. Using examples describe, SIX data types used in spreadsheets. (12 marks)

13. a. Explain SIX advantages of using an email (12 marks)

b. Identify the steps one uses to create a new outlook email account (8 marks)

14. Using the internet skills answer the following questions:

i. What is abbreviation WWW in full? (1 mark)

ii. What is the importance of the WWW? (1 mark)

iii. You visit your friend’s house and find her searching for books on the Internet. What is the status of your friend’s computer and how this status was achieved? (2 marks)

iv. At home, your grandfather watches you working on your computer. He recently heard about the Internet and wants to know what it is. How will you define the word ‘internet’ to him? (2 marks)

v. You own a small bookstore. Because of the popularity of the Internet, you decide to provide online services to your customers. How will you get Internet connection? (2 marks)

vi. Explain SIX activities that use the World Wide Web. (12 marks)

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