Maximum marks for each question are indicated in brackets ( ). This paper consists of THREE sections: A, B and C. Answer questions as per instructions in each section. You are provided with a separate answer booklet.


Answer ALL questions, each question is 1 Mark

1. Select an option that best describes Global Warming

A. Warmer weather provides breeding grounds for insects such as malaria-carrying mosquitoes
B. Presence of fuels such as natural gas and oil produces greenhouse gases in excessive amounts
C. Greenhouse gases rise into the atmosphere and allows the sun’s energy to escape
D. Earth’s temperature has risen about 1 degree Fahrenheit mostly due to nonAnthropogenic activities

2. CFC stands for ________

A. Carbon Fluorine Carbon
B. Chlorofluorocarbons
C. Compact Fluro Carbons
D. Climate For Change

3. Select a method of disposal of environmentally hazardous material

A. Open Tanks
B. Open pits
C. Injection wells
D. Incineration

4. Identify the disposal method that is most ideal for electronic waste

A. Landfills
B. Recycling
C. Injection wells
D. Deep sea

5. Identify a convention that directly address climate change_____________

A. Ramsar convention

6. Chemical splashes are common hazard in Laboratories. Which PPE does not protect from this?

A. Goggles
B. Overall
C. Safety boots
D. Earplugs

7. Identify the principal Act that guides environmental management in Kenya

A. Water Act
B. County government by-laws
C. Environment Management Co-ordination Act, 1999
D. Air quality regulations 2014

8. The Kyoto protocol seeks to reduce six major Greenhouse Gases. Select the odd one out

A. Methyl Bromide
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Nitrous Oxides
D. Methane

9. Classification of resources that are present and have been surveyed but their usage is limited due to lack of technology to extract them is referred to as ______________

A. Stock resource
B. Reserve resource
C. Actual resource
D. Limited resource

10. E- waste recycling is important for the following reasons except

A. Safe disposal of electrical and electronic wastes can be achieved
B. Materials like precious metals plastics etc., can be recovered and be reused
C. No other environmental pollutions can be controlled to a considerable amount because of this process
D. More employment opportunities can be made separately for this process

11. Arsenic is the most poisonous pollutants in:

A. Soil
B. Air
C. Water
D. Rocks

12. Pesticide residues in crops enter the human bodies through?

A. Birds and insects
B. Human food chain
C. Animals only
D. Plants only

13. Greenhouse effect can cause global disasters by ________

A. Favouring forest fires
B. Increasing the frequency off cyclones
C. Affecting agricultural production, sea food production and raising sea levels due tomelting of polar ice
D. None of the above

14. Major reservoir of carbon dioxide is

A. The ocean beds
B. The atmosphere
C. Plants and animals
D. Chemicals

15. Primary air pollutants are

A. Oxygen, nitrogen and water vapor
B. Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, Sulphur oxides, hydrocarbons
C. Carbon dioxide, Sulphur dioxide and ozone
D. Sulphur and phosphorus

16. Hazardous chemicals cause

A. No harm to human bodies
B. Metabolic disorder in human bodies
C. Little harm to animals
D. Injury to body limbs

17. Which of the following is not an idea behind solid waste management

A. Control of waste generation
B. Storage and collection
C. Disposal
D. Stop the waste generation

18. The term ISWM refers to _____________

A. International Solid Waste Management
B. Integrated Solid Waste Management
C. Integrated Solid Waste Machine
D. International Solid Waste Mechanism

19. Environment means:

A. A beautiful landscape
B. Industrial production
C. Sum total of all conditions that affect the life and development of all organisms on earth
D. Wildlife

20. Which activity decrease oxygen levels in the atmosphere?

A. Deforestation
B. Animal Hunting
C. Mining
D. Grazing


Attempt ALL questions in this section.

21. Outline THREE benefits of stakeholder engagement in implementing environmental programs (3 Marks)

22. State FOUR importance of monitoring environmental hazards in a workplace (4 Marks)

23. State FOUR benefits of enforcing environmental laws in Kenya (4 Marks)

24. State FOUR benefits of minimizing wastes (4Marks)

25. State FOUR aspects you can consider when choosing a suitable storage container for environmentally hazardous materials (4Marks)

26. List FOUR categories of Environmental resources with specific examples (4 Marks)

27. Outline FOUR measures one would put in place to ensure safety of workers at workplace (4 Marks)

28. Identify FOUR ways of achieving energy efficiency at workplace (4 Marks)

29. Explain THREE ways of waste minimization at the supplies chain of an organization (6 Marks)

30. Domestic waste has a lot of plastic waste. State THREE types of plastic recycling (3 Marks)


31. a) Explain FIVE effects of global warming phenomenon on earth (10 Marks)

b) Explain FIVE functions of National Environmental Management Authority (10 Marks)

32. a) Discuss FIVE factors to consider when selecting an environmental program for an organization (10 Marks)

b) Discuss FIVE challenges associated with implementing an environmental program in
an organization (10 Marks)

33. a) Explain FIVE uses of feedback obtained in public participation in environmental agitation (10 Marks)

b) Explain FIVE benefits of environmental reports (10 Marks

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