Answer ALL the Questions in this section. Each question carries 1 mark.
1. ALL of the following are types of nutrients except.
A. protein
B. starch and sugars
C. fluoride
D. Vitamins.
2. Importance of nutrients are all the below except.
A. To build tissues.
B. To produce energy.
C. To make waste.
D. To keep healthy.
3. Which of the following is the role of vitamin A?
A. Give energy
B. Resist infections.
C. Prevent Goitre.
D. Produce heat.
4. Which nutrient is not found in food:
A. Vitamin B.
B. Thiamine.
C. Vitamin C.
D. Vitamin D.
5. Which of the following describes osteomalacia?
A. Lack of balanced diet.
B. Lack of calcium absorption in women.
C. Vitamin c deficiency
D. Lack of night vision.
6. The following is a nutritional disorder caused by eating more than intended for the body is;
A. Malnutrition.
B. Obese.
C. Marasmus.
D. Anaemia.
7. The following is a characteristic of the community development approach to health promotion.
A. Improving individual attitudes and beliefs are key to successful health promotion.
B. There is a close relationship between individual health and its social and material contexts, thus are relevant when developing initiatives for change.
C. Individuals need to change personal behavior rather than to change the environment to promote health.
D. Individuals do not need to change personal behavior or change the environment to promote health.
8. What is the least nutrient that one should take in a meal and is effective?
A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin B.
D. Iron.
9. Community participation can be encouraged by:
A. Inviting people from civic organizations.
B. Referring to the doctor for prescriptions.
C. Listening when people relate their problems.
D. Encouraging sponsorship to programs.
10. Identify what food processing means:
A. It is a process of making food sweeter.
B. Production of reliable food production.
C. Replace or add micronutrient, and make it taste better.
D. Promotion of health.
11. The meaning of Anorexia is defined in nutrition as?
A. Supporting conditions for healthy habits
B. Loss of appetite
C. Vomiting during meal time
D. Lack of nutrients in food.
12. What iron causes anemic deficiency?
A. Potassium
B. calcium
C. folate.
D. Vitamin A.
13. One of the following nutritional disorder is the most widespread in the found in all countries be it rich or poor affecting mostly women and children.
A. Malaria
B. Night blindness.
C. Anaemia.
D. Rickets.
14. The best way to prevent infections in children is to give a child
A. Immunization is okay for your baby.
B. All kinds of iron rich food.
C. Vitamin A.
D. Vaccines will prevent disease
15. When a child is undernourished and have several infections is likely to develop?
A. Persistent growth failure.
B. Extreme wasting.
C. Protein energy malnutrition.
D. Protruding belly.
16. What does the term nutritional disorder in malnutrition mean?
A. Insufficient intake of energy, protein.
B. Excess intake of nutrients.
C. Absorption of excess intake.
D. Disorder caused by eating too little or too much of different nutrients.
17. An effective way to improve food security is?
A. Using surveillance and data collection.
B. Prevention and control of food shortages.
C. Planning campaigns.
D. Provision of resources in healthcare.
18. Choose one which is not a nutritional disorder.
A. Bipolar disorder
B. Rickets
C. Pellagra
D. Goitre.
19. When everyone is able to get enough food throughout the year to satisfy their nutritional needs is known as:
A. surveillance
B. Community development.
C. Food security.
D. Obesity.
20. Which of the following is not a vitamin B?
A. Riboflavin.
B. Thiamine.
C. Biotin.
D. Retinol.
Answer ALL Questions from this section.
21. Identify FOUR types of Nutrients and their roles in the body (4 marks)
22. Explain the meaning of the following terminologies: (4 marks)
a. BMR(basal metabolic Rate)
b. nutrients
23. Differentiate between micronutrients and macronutrients. (2 marks)
24. State FOUR challenges faced by overweight individuals. (4 marks)
25. Highlight FOUR problems related to food AID. (4 marks)
26. explain the TWO types of vitamin A . (4 Marks)
27. Outline FOUR ways food become contaminated. (4 marks)
28. State FOUR health effects of anaemia. (4 marks)
29. Mention FOUR effects of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDDs) . (4 marks)
30. List FOUR training materials community health workers use when conducting training session for community health volunteers. (2 marks)
31. State FOUR factors that may lead to rish of obesity. (4 marks)
Attempt ANY TWO Questions Only from this section.
32. Food security is a major global issue affecting households in USAID conceptual framework.
a) Explain FOUR components of food security benefits of integrated community mobilization. (10 marks)
b) Outline the TEN factors that affect food security. (10 marks)
33. Community health needs assessment is important to a community health assistant:
a) Define food security. (2 marks)
b) Describe FOUR actions that will improve food security. (8 marks)
c) Highlight FIVE effects of HIV on food security. (10 marks)
34. For a successful nutritional assessment implementation, it requires several steps to take place. It is a process but help reach many people in the community. .
a) Discuss FOUR nutritional assessments. (10 marks)
b) Explain TWO methods of nutritional assessment primary data collection tools and their examples. (10 marks)