Maximum marks for each question are indicated in brackets (). This paper consists of TWO sections: A and B. Answer questions as per instructions in each section.

You are provided with a separate answer booklet.


(Answer ALL questions in this section)

1. List FOUR advantages of using questionnaires in collecting data (4 Marks)

2. List FOUR benefits of proper waste disposal (4 Marks)

3. State FOUR causes of underutilization of resources (4 Marks)

4. Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources (4 Marks)

5. State FOUR benefits of monitoring and evaluation of environmental project (4 Marks)

6. Outline FOUR precautions to consider when transporting hazardous wastes (4 Marks)

7. List FOUR important international conventions and protocols related to environmental protection (4 Marks)

8. Justify the need of eco-friendly purchasing at workplace (4 Marks)

9. State FOUR ways of minimizing water wastage at workplace (4 Marks)

10. State FOUR objectives of environmental legislation (4 Marks)


(Answer ANY THREE questions in this section)

11. a) Explain FIVE importance of engaging diverse stakeholder in environmental project implementation (10 Marks)

b) Explain FIVE challenges of public participation in implementing environmental program (10Marks)

12. a) State FIVE stakeholders that can be involved in environmental impact assessment process (5Marks)

b) State FIVE barriers to enforcement of environmental laws in Kenya (5Marks)

c) Discuss the FIVE factors that influence effective implementation an environmental program in an organization (10 Marks)

13. a) State FIVE ways of achieving energy efficiency at workplace (5Marks)

b) State FIVE causes of soil pollution (5 Marks)

c) Discuss FIVE advantages of business associated with the adopting of environmentally business practices. (10 Marks)

14. a) Discuss the following types of hazards giving two examples in each case

i. Ergonomic hazards (4Marks)

ii. Biological hazards (3Marks)

iii. Chemical hazards (3Marks)

b) Explain five advantages of landfills in hazardous waste management (10Marks)

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