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Demonstrate Environmental Literacy May/Aug 2022 Past Paper (L 5)
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Demonstrate Environmental Literacy May/Aug 2022 Past Paper (L 5)
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Demonstrate Environmental Literacy May/Aug 2022 Past Paper (L 5)
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Demonstrate Environmental Literacy May/Aug 2022 Past Paper (L 5)
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Demonstrate Environmental Literacy May/Aug 2022 Past Paper (L 5)
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Demonstrate Environmental Literacy May/Aug 2022 Past Paper (L 5)
INSTRUCTIONS In this assessment, you will be required to answer questions: 1. The paper consists of three sections A, B and C 2. You are allocated 2 hours to attempt all the questions 3. You are provided with a separate… Read More
Demonstrate Entrepreneurial Skills May/Aug 2022 Past Paper (L 5)
SECTION A. (20 MARKS) Each Question Carries 1 Mark. 1. The following are potential sources of capital except one. A. Cash B. Debt. C. Leasing. D. equity. 2. Which of the following is not a factor of production? A. Land.… Read More
Demonstrate Communication Skills May/Aug 2022 Past Paper (L 5)
CANDIDATE INSTRUCTIONS 1. You have TWO HOURS to answer all the questions. 2. Marks for each question are indicated in the brackets. 3. The paper consists of THREE sections: A, B and C. 4. Do not write on the question… Read More
Demonstrate Environmental Literacy May/Aug 2022 Past Paper (L 4)
INSTRUCTIONS In this assessment, you will be required to answer questions: 1. The paper consists of TWO sections A and B 2. You are allocated 2 hours to attempt all the questions 3. You are provided with a separate answer… Read More