In this assessment, you will be required to answer questions:

1. The paper consists of TWO sections A and B
2. You are allocated 2 hours to attempt all the questions
3. You are provided with a separate answer booklet
4. Do not write on the question paper
5. Marks for each question are indicated in the brackets ( )


(Answer All Questions, Each Question carries 1 Mark)

1. Which best describes an ecosystem?

A. It has parts that work together for a purpose.
B. It is a system where living and nonliving things interact.
C. It has animals that work together to create food.

2. Animals need these two things that travel through a food chain:

A. Pants and animals
B. Nutrients and minerals
C. Popcorn and chocolate

3. How do decaying organisms in a swamp help the next generation of organisms?

A. The decaying organisms put food into the soil
B. The decaying organisms put water into the soil
C. The decaying organisms put minerals back into the soil

4. Why do we call desert an ecosystem?

A. Because it has parts that work together for a purpose.
B. Because it is a system where living and nonliving things interact.
C. It has herbivores and carnivores living together.

5. Define habitat.

A. A system where living and nonliving things interact
B. It has parts that work together for a purpose
C. A place where an organism lives in an ecosystem

6. What is a decomposer?

A. An organism like a bird that eats nuts and berries
B. An organism like Rusty that eats cat food
C. An organism like an insect that eats dead remains of animals

7. Who is an omnivore?

A. An animal that eats plants
B. An animal that eats both plants and animals
C. An animal that eats other animals

8. Which of these is the main energy source for life on Earth?

A. Sunlight
B. Water
C. Moonlight

9. _________________ are also popularly known as ‘rainforests of the sea’?

A. Fishes
B. Jellies
C. Coral reefs
D. Crabs

10. How many types of ecosystems are there?

A. Two
B. Four
C. Six


SECTION B (40 MARKS) – Answer all questions

11. Elaborate on any four characteristics of hazardous wastes (4mks)

12. What are the four causes of soil erosion? (4mks)

13. Give four benefits of recycling e-wastes (4mks)

14. Explain the components of environmental literacy? (4mks)

15. What is the primary benefit of wetlands? (4mks)

16. Identify four reasons for increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere(4mks)

17. What are four requirements expected of a person seeking a license to transport waste in Kenya? (4mks)

18. Identify four hazards found in a garage (4mks)

19. Explain four environmental issues arising from the use of wood fuel. (4mks)

20. What is the Justifications for the need to teach environmental literacy in Kenya(4mks

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